


and now the day of Catalyzing concluded with  Crowds.

Amy Baxter

Pain, Empathy, and Public Health

  • People commonly associate pain with the Doctor’s office – take a second and think about how backward of a concept this is
  • There is an ongoing erosion of empathy in medicine
  • Making health care more accessible means many things, one of which is making health care an experience people don’t fear

One of Amy’s visuals showed a crazy increase in the amount of vaccinations delivered through shots now vs 20 years ago. I apologize if I missed her saying this, but I want to know why this is the case. What are the alternatives (e.g. oral doses) and why aren’t they more common?

Mary Frances Bowley

On the Brink

  • 100 girls are sold for sex in Atlanta every night
  • One a girl joins the sex trafficking industry, the average life expectancy is only 7 years
  • This quote stuck out – “men order girls like food on a menu”
  • Yes, this dark world does exist and these girls need our help

As Mary put bluntly, this is a very ugly subject, but also one that needs to be acknowledged. Her program is helping these girls break free from the trafficking. I wasn’t clear though – are these girls being held against their will, or do they simply feel entrapped in this lifestyle they’ve been drug into?

Lisa Earle McLeod

The Triangle of Truth

  • Compromising during negotiation is just “chip trading”
  • A compromising mindset focuses on what’s already on the table; you no longer consider the full realm of possibilities
  • During conflict, let go of your own ideas and invite the other side to find a solution with you that is better than anything on its own

Neale Martin

Why TED Talks Don’t Change Your Life Much

  • Thinking about something vs. doing it are wildly different things
  • Being inspired isn’t enough; you must trick your unconscious mind into behavioral change
  • Thoughts are weak; behaviors are strong
  • If you want to change the world, GO! It’s your turn…

Appropriately placed at the end of the day. And talk about a link-bait headline!

Jokes aside, what good is going to a TED event if you’re not going to learn something that you can then apply once you leave? Neale had a very practical TED talk that prescribed three steps for actually making a behavioral change based on what you learned today:

  1. Develop a reliable, repeatable trigger for behavior change
  2. Create initial early success and power reinforcement
  3. Repeat until it feels normal, or until not doing it feels abnormal