apple vs android
image via Prasanna Ellanti

Will the debate ever end?

If you’re a typical American phone consumer you’ve probably often asked yourself, “iPhone or Android?”

Recently some friends were discussing this and I wondered, “Is there a significant difference between the two anymore? Is there a worthwhile debate anymore? Should we still care?”

Here’s the thing – YES! – it absolutely does. However, in the debate between iPhones and Android phones it’s less and less about the phone itself. Here’s why.

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In an interview last week the interviewee made an off hand comment that her current company is stringent on the hardware and software she’s allowed to use.

It’s a large organization with thousands of employees, which seems to be the norm for that type of company.

And I get it – there are some understandable reasons why a company would want this control:

  • Ability to reign in costs
  • IT oversight
  • Preventing bad, scary things from happening

I wonder, though, if her company has considered reasons why they wouldn’t want to control their employees’ tools so much.

She’s had to resort to PowerPoint for software wireframes. Seriously.

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