entrepreneur reading list
That’s what it feels like to be an entrepreneur.

Of course most successful entrepreneurs love to learn. They don’t learn just one thing every day, but rather many things – entire topics – and it happens almost naturally.

And with the interwebs being what they are, one of the best places to learn* is by seeing what other people are doing, have done and then written about online.

*Other places to learn: talking to people in person; just f***ing doing it and learning from your mistakes
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When you break ground on a new SaaS startup it’s easy to set ambitious sales goals.

Pick a number…1,000+ customers, $1mm in annual revenue, a dozen strategic partners lined up by year two. Oh and don’t forget the hockey stick growth.


Forget it. Forget all of that. Those numbers, those goals, they aren’t what you should be focusing on right now.

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